
We have a band that is the right size and vibe for your gathering.


Jazz Standards and Contemporary Art Songs

“A broad emotional palette, capable of expressing tenderness and acceptance and disarming openheartedness, undergird this winning disc, afront runner, for this year’s Northwest best album of the year.”

-Earshot Jazz Magazine


Minimalist vocal styling of jazz standards with a heartfelt and sophisticated vibe

“Her singing is not flashy. It is unadorned – at least, by the more overused jazz gestures – at the same time as it is shot through with qualities that support the… tales she tells.” (TRIO)

-Earshot Jazz Magazine

rochelle house quartet

This quartet features noted local performers joyfully collaborating on a good blend of originals, Jazz standards, and the reworking of covers.

“A broad emotional palette, capable of expressing tenderness and acceptance and disarming openheartedness, undergird this winning disc, afront runner, for this year’s Northwest best album of the year.”

-Earshot Jazz Magazine

new house orchestra

An ensemble of emerging musical genius. Composed of individuals whose genius lies not only in their ability to express themselves in the genre in which they were trained but in their unique ability and willingness to create music that lies outside of “genre” and inside the present moment, with a joyful and careful abandon.

“House is present for her music, not as an accompaniment or conveyance of formulas and conventions, but as a spirit who inheres and vivifies forms and expectations.” (DUO)

–  Earshot Jazz Magazine

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All Rights Reserved.

Photography by Darrah Parker.
Site Design by April Smith.